Appointments: 082 314 3752 | Rene Cell: 084 290 0552

Dear Parent in the making

It is important to remember that your child’s future begins before he/she is born. Care during pregnancy is therefore of utmost importance and we would like to guide you before, during and after pregnancy.

Every 6 weeks, we have an antenatal workshop with a perinatal educator, dietitian, physiotherapist and lactation consultant, to ensure you are knowledgeable and up to date with what to expect.  Always remember, it take a village to raise a child and you are not alone!

Classes can be claimed back from medical aids and will be conducted in a group. 

For queries and dates, please contact René on 084 290 0552 or email

4 years ago

At Midwell Bubbas we teach you all about your options. Online antenatal classes! Call to book: Rene @ 0842900552 #midwellbubbas #onlineantenatalclasses

4 years ago
The Motherhood Project

So so mooi.

No one tells you it’s going to be this hard.
That you’ll feel responsible for their beating heart long after they have left your body.
That the very second they take their first breath will also ... See more

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